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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I am back, better than ever ;)


Its been one year since I write. You noticed the last post was about new year resolution? Lol. Then i stopped because at one point, it felt like my life is a diary laid bare. Konon tak cool. Ceh. But hell, looking back I'm glad i did.

Sebab ape? Sebab my memory is so short term, and getting shorter nowadays. 

Sebab writing helps to remind me that I have purpose in life. To share my thoughts, insights and maybe few advices to whoever going through similar circumstances. Or sway people's thinking in a certain direction? :p (Yela from malas exercise kepada rajin exercise ke..from penakut nak speak up jadi lebih brani ke..pada yang malas nak sambung belajar kepada rajin ke..kan)

Maybe I can the change the world? hehe

But honestly, i need to stay connected. Doing what I do, I don't have time to socialise with friends other than on Whatsapp and facebook. Pathehic. Keluar jalan tengok movie? karaoke? dating? memang tak lah. And next year (ehem ehem) probably i'll be busier than ever. Keluar berjimba hanyalah tinggal kenangan manis kot. sob sob

So. Hence the need to blog. (panjangnye mukaddimah ko nyah!)

What I did sepanjang 2012? Cekidaud yo! Ok rempit ejaan tu. Lupakan! Check it out! 

1.  I started working with a pharmaceutical MNC. In Sales! 

Ramai orang melayu tak suka buat kerja sales. Tapi sekarang dah makin ramai daripada dulu. Takut kot sebab being in sales you need to be competitive, it is by hook or by crook performance based and need to achieve your target. Even i interview for a different position back then. But the company requires sales experience lebih kurang camtu lah. So I tercampak kat sales department. Coming from a GLC background, i immediately fell in love with the people, the work environment, the supportive bosses and of course my work. The time is flexible and the variable pay is quite high. And so, i was hooked ;)
And while doing my MBA, I realised that sales experience do come in handy. You want to climb the corporate ladder, and want to do it fast? Make sure you have sales experience in your resume ;)

2. I'm a certified scuba diver 

Diving can be scary at first. I mean, you can mati lemas, kena gigit haiwan laut, your tank habis oxygen or you can hilang tiba-tiba kena culik ikan yu. Kan? MEMANG PUN!

Memang cuak gila tapi best sebab by your second dive and after you overcome sakit tekak dan pedih mata yang tak terkata-kata, you see the underworld is so huge and you are only one teeny-tiny creature. It is so damn beautiful. In 40 minutes at 20ft below the sea level, I said 'subhanallah' more than ever. Hati tak berhenti cakap 'Ya Allah, cantiknye'.

But then again, I experienced Mabul underwater. Kalau you pegi semenanjung Malaysia pastu nampak air keruh dan seekor ikan nemo je jangan marah I. hehe.

3. I am healthier! 

Ok semua orang tahu I obsessed pegi gym dah hilang berbelas kilo. But I'm only halfway through my goal. Bulan March 2013 baru bole cerita success story. Kalau success la. Kalau tak, diam je. Yadaa Yadaa. Bosan. Tapi yang penting, bukan kurus je. Yang penting kena exercise dan kena jaga makan. I nak promote healthy lifestyle. Bukan setakat kurus wow dah sexy. Ok bye. 

4. I started travelling

So far I've been to Japan, South Korea, Scotland, England, Wales, South Africa, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia. More to come in 2013! Muda-muda kena travel, cari pengalaman tengok negara orang. Orang Jepun suka beratur. suka sangat. hobi diorang beratur. Weirdo.

Tengok gambar masa i gemuk. Nak amik gambar kena angle tepi. Haaa siapa rasa dia gemuk, amik gambar cani. Kalau taknak, exercise! Semua angle boleh amik lepas tu :)

Next post, my new year resolution! Hehe.

Gossip Girl 
Aisha Mohamood 

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