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Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Revelation of Y

This entry is a continuation from the previous entry, The Generation Next To You.

Although my intention of this mini-research was actually to further understand the preceding generations of which I am currently working with, my focus had shifted as I get deeper into it.

From my readings and observations, Gen Y is quite lucky. Their entrance into the workforce have been anticipated and welcomed by Boomers and X-ers. There is not much crisis or chaos, only some challenging situations.

Although many articles brought the idea that Boomers and X-ers are (in a way) threatened by Y. Something about fear of having to work with younger bosses.

That’s bullshit. I beg to differ.

The way I see it, Gen Y is a product of Boomers and older X-ers. Although the two generations may have their disparity, they were brought together when Y started emerging in the workforce.

Two straight facts that we all agree upon are, Gen Y is armed with technology and is the most educated generation in history just yet.

It’s not just that they have access to more information and teaching. But also, they were brought up by both Boomers and X-ers trying to get the best out of Y, giving Y everything they never had and wished to have while growing up.

Having the best of both worlds, Gen Y is not so much of ‘thinker’ kind of generation. They were spoon-fed, told what to do and given everything directly (not saying in a silver platter) to them. Their life had been strategically planned by educated Boomers and X-ers.


So, it is possible that even at the age of 20something, Y is still trying to figure out what they actually want in their life.
Their direction, their desire and how they plan their future changes and fluctuates as they started to learned the truth about life from their own point of view and judgments.
Separate from their X-ers confidant and Boomers consultancy. They starting to live their life based on how they see fit.

Now that they are ready, they have to get back and face X-ers and Boomers at the office. Be it as colleagues, subordinates or bosses.

Gen Y seems to be smarter and better (to some) because they are streamlined and trained to work efficiently and effectively.  Information is at the tip of their fingers.

Even if they look dumber than a dung-beetle, they can figure out and digest anything under the sun with their gadgets.

Boomers and X-ers bowed down to Y slick management and skills does not mean Y is the winning generation. It simply translates that Y have been brought up by Boomers and X-ers who knew the right way, knowing what to do and how to do it.

To conclude, I’ll list down the Y-Type-Management and working habits that have been approved by Boomers and X-ers.
1. Only hold productive meetings. And it should not be more than 40 minutes. Plus meal.
2. Please shorten the working hours or at least introduce flexibility. Or easier, just act like you don’t know or would not care if we are not at the office from 9-6pm as long as we did all our tasks. (Gen Y seems to be able to figure out how to get as much done in 5-6 hours as the average Boomers does with 8)
3. Career development is our obsession. If we are not promoted after 3-4 years working with same company, we’ll resign for a better offer. Or look for a new career path.
4. Your promotions better be based on emotional intelligence and merit. Not seniority.
5. Constant feedback, please. We need to know if our work is acceptable by your standard or not.
6. We need instant responses and answers. We don’t wait. That’s why you have that thing called blackberry, iPhone, broadband and netbook in your bag.

Yes, its bag not briefcase. We don’t have brief case. We never do. (Whoever still carries briefcase must have gotten it from their grandfather who make them swears on their death bed to bring that thing to work for 50 years).

There you go. But remember that i said earlier that my focus got shifted halfway through this mini research? The twist is yet to come. Whoever thinks that Gen Y is the main devil without a cause should shut up and choke themselves to death.

Make way to the latest LITTLE RASCALS of GENERATION Z. The new kids on the block.

No, not that 1985 New Kids On the Block. The real new kids on the block.

Its all in my head, haunting me but I need to find another time to write it down. My one hour lunch is almost up. Better get back with the reports and slides.

I'll Be Seeing You Then. Cheers

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