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Saturday, February 5, 2011

On empowerment.

Ok, i am not a CEO. Probably not going to be, as it is not in my domain of interest. Whatever.

But i believe im a born leader. I can initiate, plan things, make decisions, execute, see results then give feedbacks. Half of the people i know cannot do those things, or maybe they can, they prefer not to. But thats not an issue. A good leader can also be a follower, as long as the people they suppose to follow MAKE SENSE to them.

When i first started working, my mentor told me to remember 2 rules. Which are:
1.    Your boss is always right
2.    If your boss is wrong, refer to number one.

Hmm. Ok.

But (my generation and) I beg to differ.

We should stop using the rules. Here, i propose a new one.
1.    Your boss is always right
2.    If your boss is wrong, try to correct him. But make sure you’ve done all your research and prepare well. Dont do it alone, Do it in groups of trusting people.
3.    If your boss still thinks he is right, take out that resignation letter and RESIGNED.

If you are an intelligent and resourceful worker, know your value. Do not stay in a company that does not appreciate your existance.

Most successful companies encourage employees to make decisions, providing an environment of open communication and acceptance of new ideas. That is EMPOWERMENT.
You dont have to be in C-level, to be in control.  If you are in such condition, that is soooo SAD. Refer to my third rule. There are thousands of other companies out there that might suit you. REALLY.

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